Iron Bell Group Retreats

Whether you are a ministry/business leader, or simply someone who leads in any capacity, our Iron Bell Group Retreats are the perfect getaway oasis for you and your group.

Are you desiring:

  • New Creative Strategies?

  • A Break From the Grind To Get Fresh Perspective And Outlook?

  • A Reset In Order To Engage With New Vision And Energy?

Through our decades of coaching experience we have seen that the best ideas…. the ideas that last and bear fruit are the ones that come from the inside out.

What does this mean? This means that God does a work IN US to then do a work THROUGH US.

This is why our retreats include a mix of personal ministry, customized coaching and teaching. solitude, and relaxation experiences,

Through this holistic experience you and your group will leave feeling renewed, unified, and focused on the path God has for you.

See more below!

Wondering Is This Retreat is Right For Your Group?

  1. Read through the retreat schedules below to get an idea of how the day/days are laid out.

  2. Read through this page to see what’s included, why it’s included, and opportunities to customize your experience.

  3. Click the button below to set up a free 15 minute consultation and speak with a staff member about this retreat, how to customize this for your group, and payment options if needed.

    (If you don’t need a consultation and are ready to apply feel free to go ahead and apply using the links below)

Choose Your Retreat

  • Rest and Renew

    A 1 Day Retreat with a schedule created for more solitude and relaxation opportunities

  • Gain Perspective

    A 1 Day Retreat with a schedule allowing for more coaching/teaching sessions.

  • Get Above the Clouds *Recommended

    A 2 Day Retreat experience giving your team ample time to unwind, gain perspective and clarity

What’s Included In Your Retreat Experience?

Each of our retreats have certain elements that are included in your experience and some that are optional/customizable.

Personal Ministry- Included

You and the other attendees in your group will receive personal prayer from our Iron Bell Prayer Team. We consistently hear this is a highlight of the retreat experience for people! This prayer time will help set the tone for your day with fresh insight and understanding from the Lord.

Meditation/Relaxation Experiences - Included

Meditaiton: Our staff will lead you and your group through a meaningful time of Holy Spirit led ministry and prayer. Be renewed in His presence as you gain perspective for what’s on His heart for you personally and collectively.

Relaxation: We believe and have seen that the Lord ministers to us mind, body, and spirit. When we remove barriers such as stress & physical tension we are better positioned to hear from God and we create margin to think outside the grind.

Our facility includes access to a sauna, therapy pool, massage therapy and other relaxation add ons.

Click below for more information as to why we include this and what is available.

Coaching/ Facilitating- Included

Customize your coaching sessions to include topics/ themes that are most suited for your group. Click below to see what topics are available and how you can utilize these times.

Solitude Spaces- Included

Each person will receive their own space at our Iron Bell Retreat Barn to process, journal, and pray. Powerful exercises and devotionals will be provided for each person to incorporate into their time.

We encourage you to incorporate solitude into your experience as its a key part of the”what the Lord does in you He will do through you” process. Click below for an blog about the value of solitude and why it’s important,

Our caring staff is ready and available to provide the ultimate retreat experience for you. Each retreat comes with a catered lunch and a snack menu full of homemade healthy drinks and snacks.

Options to add additional meals to your retreat is available upon request!